
10 12 2009

Oy, I am still catching up with last week… and last weekend was lovely and amazing. Our first snowfall of the season arrived on Saturday and covered everything in fluffy white.

Bebe was completely delighted. He stared and stared and laughed.

first snow

When everything was completely covered, we took him outside again, and he arched himself backward in our arms so that he could stare up at the sky and feel the snowflakes falling on his face. And he stayed that way until we went inside.

I spent much of Saturday sewing for a Secret Santa gift exchange.

sockmonkey firesuit - wip

I made a firefighter suit for a sockmonkey – our present for a 2-year old who is really loving his firefighter helmet right now.

sockmonkey firefighter

I finished the hat in time for the holiday party Saturday night, so the monkey went along without his jacket. But it was a Big Delight nonetheless. And the jacket was a little lagniappe for this week.

Have you had any Big Delights this week?



3 responses

10 12 2009
the mistress

I am delighted that bebe is still getting good use out of his viking helmet. Seriously, it made my day! =0

10 12 2009

He wears it all the time – it’s the only hat he doesn’t rip off of his head!

11 12 2009
The Queen of the Snow Cows

The pic of your two boys has to be the best ever! I can’t get over bebe’s facial expression and body language with the viking hat all askew. ROFL.