summer surprises

9 06 2010

Yesterday brought me two sweet surpises.

I received a Beautiful Bloggers Award from both Lori of Thrums and from Virginia of Virginia is for…. If you haven’t seen their sites before, you are in for a treat. Both ladies write from New York, and they share (along with heaps of gorgeous knitting) such interesting vignettes of the city, scenes that make me want to hop on a train and go there.

Thank you, ladies, for making me feel like I’ve received a great big unexpected bouquet of blooming peonies. So very delightful.

In the spirit of the award, I am supposed to share 10 new details about myself and then nominate 10 more beautiful people. In the spirit of this space, I’ll tweak it a bit.

First, understand that I won’t list immediate friends or family here, because I am a bit paranoid online and protect my boundaries. Second, I like a lot of writers/crafters, some of whom have a very large readership and wouldn’t know me from Job. So here’s to a little exploration and 10 beautiful people:

mairuru : hand crafting (Japan)
a place like this : whole living I aspire toward (US)
foxs lane : crafting + organic farming (Australia)
fryd + design : loveliness (Norway)
melbourne epicure : cupcakes + craftiness (Australia)
luscious : Lori’s food blog, nummmm…. (US)
tiny happy : inspired embroidery (New Zealand)
moonstitches : crafting + pretty pictures (Japan)
apple & eve : delightful embroidery & sewing (Germany)
lilla lotta : love her illustrations (France)

Next, here are my 10 things:

1 : unlovely : Ironing.
Ugh, yuck. We hates it precious! Which always kicks a bit of yuck into my sewing projects. Because you have to iron or things come out wonky. Thus my projects sometimes/often come out wonky.

2 : lovely : Chocolate.

3 : unlovely : Mopping floors.
Another loathesome chore. Ever want to instantly become my friend? Bring a mop and clean my floor. I have made housing choices directly influenced by how much mopping would be required in that space. Seriously.

4 : lovely : Painted toenails.
It’s like easy jewelry for your feet! Instant adornment: mine are usually blood red, shiny purple, or sparkly green during the summer.

5 : unlovely : Summer illnesses.
I realize that warmth + humidity + crowded public spaces = germs galore. But COME ON! It is so wrong to be coughing and wheezy and sniffly when the world outside is so completely gorgeous. BOO. I hate being sick…

6 : lovely : We were driving somewhere the other day and saw a car license plate that read, “PRSNKTY” (= persnickety). Once we figured it out, it made us laugh. That should be my license plate, I am weird enough for it.

7 : unlovely : Bread headaches.
How bizarre and unfair! Only with fresh homemade bread – so either I’m allergic to the yeast or I eat too much bread at once and get dehydrated. Anyone else know what I’m talking about? Advice?

8 : lovely : Babies.
The 2010 documentary/movie, I mean. Lots of fat-cheeked cuteness from other cultures.

9 : unlovely : The Lottery and Waiting for Superman.
More 2010 documentaries. And by unlovely, I mean the topics they address, not the documentaries themselves. I’m passionate on the topic of educational reform in the US public school system. That’s the work I came from before Bebe. I don’t know what’s wrong with our society in that we deny or lose focus on the very center and goal of our lives: the support and development of young people to become caring, intelligent adults.

10 : lovely : Peonies.
Gigantic, light pink, ruffly blooms with that delicate fragrance. My favorite flower, and the very first ones that Mr. P ever gave me, way back in the day, on a very cold winter night in DC.



6 responses

9 06 2010


I like your new blog header a lot too!

10 06 2010
m.e (cathie)

love your lovely & unlovely list!
agree with ironing..blahh, and bread headaches, i haven’t really heard about them.
thanks for including me ♥
hope your day is very LOVELY x

10 06 2010

Thank you, Thank you, for this award. Of course I’m going to mention it on my blog. This is such an honor and so much fun. I’ve really enjoyed the other blogs you’ve chosen. I love finding new friends to read. And I liked reading about you and getting to know you a little better. Be well and Happy Summer.

10 06 2010

BREAD HEADACHES?!! oh, the unfairness! only a few things could be worse than that.

10 06 2010

Thta is such a great list of lovely and unlovely.
I’ve never heard of bread headaches either but it sounds very unfair indeed. Love peonies, hate housework, desperate to see the babies film, love that you included me, thanks so much and have a great weekend. X

11 06 2010

Congrats on your award. I agree whole-heartedly! =)
I love #6. Anyone that can make me LOL in the car must be an awesome person.
I appreciate your passion for #9. I do not have children. However, public education is one thing that I’m happy to support with my tax dollars. While I may not have a child in school, I will spend the rest of my life interacting with other people’s children. Those interactions will go much better if they have a strong education.